GamesUR Online Summit 2021
- #gamesUR 2021 - Keynote Plenary Panel
- A reseachers' guide to teaching players (without more tutorials)
- Thinking outside the lab: case study of a mobile AR game - Minecraft Earth
- Accessibility User Research in The Last of Us 2
- Hold on to your Butts: A debate on teaching teams to do research
- Forest Fires: A Usability Post-Mortem of Root
- Why doing the boring stuff you think is not your job, really is your job
- Academic-Industry partnerships for positive change in GUR
- Climbing mountains: 10 years in accessibility
- A Trait Model and Scale of Game Playing Preferences
- Usability and accessibility pro-tips for games user research lab design
- Players are not lab rats! A retrospection on model concerning human experience
- Borderlands 3 User Research: Old and new approaches in franchise testing
- Analytics in Game Development
- Group Therapy For Old Timers
- Games User Research Salary Survey 2021
- IGDA GRUX SIG Update 2021